Larry Swanson
I love to go work on puzzles! So when my brother introduced me to Sudoku I became immediately hooked. But I soon became frustrated at my ability to only work the simplest puzzles to completion no matter how much I studied them. In my quest to find help, I stumbled onto the “Sudoku Professor” web site –what great luck! I have worked through the first few lessons and already have experienced an amazing increased ability to pick up a newspaper or magazine and work puzzles to completion.
Retired now, but for the last 48 years I worked as a warrant officer (and later a contractor) to provide logistical missile system management. Part of this experience required that I be responsible to generate portable lessons for teaching soldiers how to operate and repair complex missile functions. I can tell you that the Sudoku lessons meet all the standards of high quality video instruction and anyone who takes the video lessons; works all the examples to understanding (and finds a little spare time to practice with outside lessons) will reach higher skill levels quickly and totally enjoy the method of presentation.
A “Go Tide” Alabamian,