Praise for the Sudoku Professor
I am really looking forward to the advanced videos and techniques, so I can go after the difficult puzzles with greater confidence. I tackled my first Medium puzzle and I was able to solve it! Before your videos, it probably would have frustrated me, but I was confident I could do it. Thanks for your videos! [I] have noticed my confidence increasing and am able to tackle some harder puzzles then I could before. I tried to do the sudoku puzzles and was about to give up when I found your program. But your lessons are really challenging my ability to think and are good exercises for my brain. Wish I had heard about The Professor Sudoku a year ago. I would like to encourage anyone wanting to get into Sudoku to take your course first. Thank you, I’m having a great time with this program….now if I could just lock the doors, pretend i am not home…then I could get more of the Lessons done. Once Easter is over and company forgets where I live, it should be nothing but interesting fun. I really love the program and thanks for being so brilliant. I’ll keep you posted as I progress. Professor Chad, U R AMA-ZING! But . . . now I’m addicted to Sudoku! ‘Can’t wait to learn more and become an expert like U. Thank you for the excellent presentations.Before taking your course I didn’t have a clue to solving Sudoku puzzles, now I have a an excellent strategy. Thank You! I am really enjoying your lessons and am getting better at solving puzzles. I struggle to remember all of the patterns and how to use them but have started to play your lessons again and that helps. Your methods have certainly improved my ‘logic’ and I am appreciative. Warm regards When I first started Sudoku I had no technique and used the brute force method. I searched for help but only came up with complicated formula’s with explanations that I could not decipher. Then I came across Sudoku Professor . With the 7 free lessons, I quickly discovered this was the best way to learn for me. It’s methodical, step by step in a video format that is easy to follow. The exercises after each lesson are valuable ways to reinforce learning. Signing up and paying for the next level of courses was an easy decision. If there was a college course on Sudoku, this is how it would look. I get so much pleasure tackling Sudoku puzzles of every level daily. Thank you Chad Barker. Sudoku Professor: I enjoy the tutorials about Sudoku because it gives me different perspectives and angles on solving the puzzles. Chad, I started–per your suggestion–on Freshman Video #2. I PICKED UP A TRICK I HADN’T CAUGHT BEFORE. JUST ONE SO FAR, BUT I WAS SO EXCITED, I WANTED TO TELL YOU RIGHT AWAY. It’s so simple, I’m amazed I didn’t catch it before. My worst fear in your videos to date is that I won’t have to enter each & every possible subset number in every cell. The complexity between Medium & Hard is so pronounced that neither my husband nor I thought there would be any other way. NOW I’M BEGINNING TO HOPE AGAIN. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hey Professor… As a beginning Sudoku player I searched the web, found your site and subscribed. At the time I was brute-forcing my games with real poor results. After watching your video’s on 1-9, doubling, and searching for patterns, I am now completing the Sudoku puzzles in the local weekly paper. I’m looking forward to receiving more lessons and maybe moving my game up the rung of difficulty a notch. Thanks again. They are very good Chad! I am through the first set of lessons and really enjoy the way you explain things. The lessons have opened up for me a totally new way of approach in solving a solving a puzzle. Thanks! You are such a great instructor!! Your instructions on the videos are very clear and easy to understand and I might add in plain English with no geeky terms!! I have read a couple of books on Sudoku but your video instructions are second to none! In fact You are such a great instructor I wonder if you have ever thought of teaching a programming language like C++ via videos. I have found the Sudoku Professor addicting in a good way, helping me to sharpen up the old brain cells and provide an unexpected pastime. Thank you I only started playing Sudoku this summer. I had attempted to play in the past, but got frustrated after only a few minutes. This spring, a close friend got me playing the puzzles that come in the paper each day. I found that it was interesting and to a bit intriguing. This Spring, I had a major foot operation that left me with a lot of spare time on my hands and began playing the puzzles in earnest. After a short while, I reached a point that I was unable to solve most of the puzzles I saw. I then began searching for information on how to solve Soduku puzzles. I found “The Soduku Professor”. This was just what I was looking for. I immediately signed up for the courses offered online (Freshman Puzzle Solving). This led to many hours of Soduku puzzle solving. I attempted to solve all the puzzles in the paper and downloaded puzzles from the internet. I found that I could solve lower level puzzles, but was stumped when attempting more difficult puzzles. I then signed up for the full “Soduku University” puzzle solving courses. This is where I am, at present and my puzzle solving has improved considerably. I still need to complete the entire set of courses. But, I find that I can now solve many of the harder puzzles and am using the techniques to improve my basic puzzle solving online to improve my solving times. This improves my ability to seek out the “Missing Links” and helps me solve even more difficult puzzles. I highly recommend that anyone interested in learning how to solve Soduku puzzles signup with “The Soduku Professor” and improve your puzzle solving techniques. I am enjoying the videos and they are very helpful, much more so than some of the other instruction I tried from the computer. Excellent job!!! I love your videos. As a person who has struggled with numbers, and as a person who has yet never solved the Sunday puzzle, (almost got it last Sunday) I was frustrated, but determined to stop figure out how to solve the hard puzzles. Looked all over the Internet, but nothing made any sense until I stumbled on the Sudoku Professor. I was reassured that solutions relied on logic. So far I’m on sophomore 203, and find your teaching clear and understandable. Thanks. At my daughter’s suggestion I embarked on solving sudoku puzzles. However not knowing even how to start I googled and found The Professor. What an enlightenment that journey has been. The thing I like best about the lessons is they are self paced. You can pause during them and go as far as you can and then check in to see how you are going. The instruction is brilliant and very clear. I am only just starting on the Junior level and think I will go back and recap on a couple of things I am not quote getting at the moment. Well worth the outlay and I would highly recommend to anyone. Chad, I have only watched all the Freshman lessons so far, but they already helped me tremendously. I downloaded a Soduko game on my Fire Kindle and on my phone and your lessons enabled me to get to Difficulty No. 5 (which is the last one on this game). I am totally hooked after watching your lessons. They helped improve my logical thinking in the game. I’m thoroughly excited about these lessons. I’ll be starting Sophomore #5 tomorrow. I do the exercise puzzles after taking the lesson and it really does help. The nice thing about buying the lessons is if you miss a couple days because of other activities, you can come back and review and then keep going. I’m having fun with these and it keeps my brain active so that’s important for me. As a Sudoku beginner I was initially very intimidated by the task of solving the Sudoku puzzles. I had gone to a number of on-line sites and found the instructions very confusing. The Sudoku Professor has offered me a very easy systematic approach to solving the puzzles and he has always been very helpful and encouraging when I am struggling. There is no doubt that learning how to approach the solution to the puzzles takes time and focus. Also, in my case it has required learning a new way to tackle problems of logic. I would highly recommend the Sudoku Professor to anyone who wants to achieve the satisfaction of solving Sudoku puzzles. Chad, I have only watched all the Freshman lessons so far, but they already helped me tremendously. I downloaded a Soduko game on my Fire Kindle and on my phone and your lessons enabled me to get to Difficulty No. 5 (which is the last one on this game). I am totally hooked after watching your lessons. They helped improve my logical thinking in the game. I find the techniques that you teach in the Sudoku Professor lessons very helpful to solve the puzzles. I am at Sophomore 206 level. I realize that it is important to use the techniques and to practice as much as possible to be successful. Buying your lessons was money well spent! Well, I’ve been a serious student of yours for some weeks now but as I’m older, I am going slower probably and having to back track and redo lessons as I tend to have questions after trying Nikoli sudokus and I know you have covered those things. I have found your pace and your clear teaching just what I need. I learn visually most easily and so going through a whole sudoku exercise with you very methodically, skipping NOTHING which you are so good at, reinforces previous learning. My thoughts are that the few people who are impatient with your careful pace are perhaps not into serious learning and have not learned the value of being meticulous and a bit humble when learning things. Though 70, I have been through half of university (science) at an older age and done very well and know beyond doubt you are an excellent communicator of knowledge. No one should hesitate to learn from you and for me the course is invaluable. I find I am now actually more alert and careful of small things……not just in sudoku. It’s osmosing into life! And I love Sudoku! Cheers, To Anyone Interested: I was really struggling trying to get better at Sudoku, getting more and more confused and frustrated trying to understand things like x-wing, swordfish, and locked candidates. Plus I couldn’t do any but the easiest puzzles. Then I came across the Professor and his videos. He made my day when he said in the first one to give up the brute force method. Since then my progress has been phenomenal. I’m solving very difficult puzzles routinely, every puzzle in the daily paper, and I almost solved a black-belt level puzzle the other day. Will get it before long I’m sure. The bottom line is this — the Professor has made ALL the difference. And it’s been great fun learning something so challenging. I recommend the Professor to anyone. You can’t go wrong, you’ll have no regrets, and you will amaze yourself with your puzzle-solving. Respectfully, I decided to learn Sudoku with the encouragement of friends who already play. I was ready to quit when gathering information seemed impossible when puzzles had little information. Finding your “University” was the best way to understand the logic necessary to enjoy this brain building activity. The Freshman and Sophomore lessons you presented were well prepared and presented. The thorough explanations and repetitions were necessary for beginners like me. Keep up the good work. I just decided to learn SUDOKU and this puzzle is a big challenge for me but I determined to learn and I am enjoying learning something new to me. You are excellent teacher. I am slow but I will learn lesson by lesson. You deserve the praise from all SUDOKU fans. HIGHLY recommend signing up for the Sudoku Professor’s lessons. They have helped me SO MUCH on solving puzzles. Even when I listen to the lessons twice, I have picked up on helpful ideas that I may have missed the first time. Still learning, practicing and looking forward to future lessons. Hi, I just want to tell you that it’s a real joy to do Sudoku Puzzles now, thanks to Our Sudoku Professor! Not only are the strategies excellent, the teaching technique is exceptional. Well explained and Professionally spoken it is fun to listen to the lessons and to do the exercises. You have a Marvelous voice and presentation, Professor! You are quite the College Professor and I’m so glad you are teaching us how to do and enjoy this marvelous and challenging Puzzle. You are keeping our brains and Minds in top shape as well. Thank you! I have spoken very highly of the Professor to my friends and all have found him to be even better than advertised! I hope you will do yourself a BIG FAVOR and find what I have found—A Friend, A Mentor and a Plan that works, as well as a Plan that is FUN TO WORK. Enjoy your Sudoku Adventures and Enjoy your Brain Improving Happiness! Sincerely, I have been through all of the lessons from freshman through the senior lessons and have gone back and reviewed many of them. I have found your technique very helpful and consider you to be quite an accomplished teacher. My solving of Sudoku puzzles has improved a great deal. Now I just need to slow down a little and quit making careless mistakes. I have just watched the 1st of the graduate level lesson videos. Thanks for the care you have taken to make the lessons and exercise puzzles helpful and your entire program professional and of high quality. I would recommend your videos to anyone from beginners to those trying to hone their skills. Chad, since ordering your Sudoku Professor videos and starting to work through the lessons (currently working in the Sophomore ones) I really kicked myself for not ordering them sooner!! They really helped me elevate and improve my solving abilities. And I am just now working through lesson 203! The way you have the lessons structured is so helpful and it makes it fun to go through each one and learn the different techniques, I eagerly anticipate the next lesson as there is something new on the horizon. Thank you so much for a great product. I also enrolled in the on line Sudoku Professor University and the Professors Club, both of which only enhances the video set and makes it even more fun and enlightening. I would recommend the entire package to anyone. Keep up the good work! Hey Prof, I have enjoyed immensely the Sudoku lessons.They have been a great help to me. I highly recommend them to all wannabe geniuses. This is by far the best purchase of a DVD I ever made ,I have been working on sudoku puzzles for a long time maybe on and of for about 8 years til I run across your system on how to solve them. It is as if a light was turned on in my head and at the age of 80 that is really something. I’m sorry i did not get to answer sooner but had computer problems plus Christmas and visitors from canada. But now that it is getting back to normal and I was able to put the lessons on TV and to my surprise the visitors are becoming big fans of yours even my wife which was not in the least interested in sudoku ever is getting involved even jumping ahead of you in solving some of them. So it is becoming a nightly ritual and a competition among 4 people. I am pretty much through all the videos, Freshman thru Senior. I have learned a lot from them and it was very interesting to see all of your techniques….Sudoku for me is a very challenging past time and a great brain simulator. Thanks so much for all your great lessons. I can tell you that I have watched the videos and worked through all the Freshman exercises and puzzles and have now just finished working through the Sophomore lessons exercises and puzzles. I still have a long way to go and more videos to watch, but with all the techniques I have been shown and the recognition of different patterns, I am now reasonably confident of solving the Sudoku puzzles in the daily newspapers I read. In the past, I use to tackle the Sudoku puzzles in the daily papers I read, but was left frustrated that I could not solve them. Life is now much more fun and look forward to my “daily Sudoku fix” of solving at least one puzzle every day. I am now looking forward to watching and working through the Junior and Senior videos before progressing to The Professor’s Club exclusive videos, new techniques and Webinar replays. Many, many thanks for eliminating my “Sudoku” frustrations. I appreciate your videos so much but I am a slow learner and have to do the puzzles over several times. But I am determined to get it all. I am so happy that I ordered the extra videos. I am enjoying them very much. Thank you so much for putting that all together. I retired last September from Australian Dept. of Defence after 46 years’ service as a Defence Scientist. Never been busier need many more hours in my day. Have over the years particularly when gone to sea loved doing the Sudoku puzzles when not on the bridge of the ship. Not a fan of TV it’s such a waste of time. Nothing better than getting a bit of quite time, and doing a Sudoku. I am a bit bloody minded a have spent many hours on the one puzzle. I am very proud of myself when I get one completed. Have loved working with you on your videos, pause the video all the time. Have completed the extra work sheets given. The idea I like most is your pencil marking techniques. I just saves so much time not having to remember what possible numbers could fit in a square. Have completed most of your extra sheets in about one hour to hour and a half. Navy is asking for my help, wanting me to come back to work, go on a six week sea trial June/ July so will being down loading the more advanced lessons to my lap top and taking them away with me. I would be delighted to say a very big thank you to my Sudoku Professor Chad for enlightening me on the I have been very frustrated over the years wanting very much to understand its formula and now I have I thank you so much for your lessons which I very much enjoy as you have a lovely easy way about you With the kindest regards, I like it very much. You do illustrate examples very well and show all different ways of tackling patterns. I am enjoying it very much. This is to let you know how very much I am enjoying your lesson videos, which are so easy to follow, and I am extremely happy with the progress I have made so far. I am now into my eighties and have been making sure I understand everything before moving on to the next lesson – my brain is not quite as sharp as it was a few years ago – and I have had no trouble whatsoever. On days when I have no commitments outside of home I cannot wait to start Sudoku and usually do this whilst I am having breakfast. Sometimes breakfast takes quite some time as I am very keen to keep going with the lessons. Before finding you on the internet, I was trying to learn the system of writing all the numbers into the squares before starting, which was very tedious, and I found it impossible to follow the instructions when the games got more difficult. Thank you very much for making Sudoku so interesting and enjoyable. I would recommend your video lessons to everyone, young or old. I once tried to do Sudoku and gave up. Then one day I went to the Internet for tips and found Professor Sudoku. Subscribed for the Freeman lessons and now I am hooked. I love the videos. Your presentation is wonderful. It is easy to download and so clear and easy to understand. I do them one by one until I slide through the exercise. Cannot wait to do my next lesson. I am up to Senior level classes and I notice I am not having the difficulties solving puzzles I once had . Still stumble a little but am having more fun solving harder puzzles than ever before . Thanks Chad! I really enjoy the lessons in video format. I am at the junior level and find that using what I have learned not only makes the puzzles easier to solve but much more fun as well. I am really looking forward to the advanced videos and techniques so I can go after the difficult puzzles with greater confidence. I am enjoying your videos immensely. You are an excellent instructor and I don’t see how the presentations could be improved on in any way. I have already recommended your course to several relatives. I had been working sudoku puzzles for over a year and thought I was pretty good. After viewing just a few of your lessons, I learned that I have to UNLEARN a lot of bad habits. For example, my more difficult puzzles were covered with way “too much information” and I wasn’t enjoying them very much. Your techniques on the limited use of pencil I wish I had taken your course when I first started solving these puzzles. I’ve been trying to solve sudoku puzzles in a certain newspaper for the last 6 months. These puzzles are only rated medium or hard, never easy. I’ve finally solved my first medium puzzle using your techniques – mind you I’ve only completed the freshman exercises so far. So what seemed impossibly difficult at one time has become solvable thanks to your excellent video classes. Recently I started following your sudoku lessons. Your lessons are really helpful and your methods are very good. I am glad to say that I am able to solve difficult sudoku puzzles in Daily Telegraph news paper after following your Freshman lessons and two Sophomore lessons. I have not gotten through all the videos but I can honestly say the ones I have watched are awesome & the tips & techniques that you explain are really really really (and let me say this one more time) REALLY helpful in solving the Sudoku Puzzles. I love the challenge & the thought processes required even though they can be mind boggling at times! Kudos to you Chad!!! I consider you an excellent teacher and the care you bring to your presentations helps sustain interest and makes you want to return. The Sudoku had always been a mystery to me, your approach allowed me to tame this activity I now devote myself every day. I think it is an excellent mental gymnastics, especially for a man of my age, that is to say, nearly 70 years. Thank you and good continuity. Thank you very much for your lessons. You are very talented teacher. In Russia I taught students in Medical school and know how hard to make difficult subject to seem easy. You do it great! I am doing fine with the lessons and exercises…I can’t say how much I am now enjoying Sudoku. I have been going over the earlier lessons and i think it is sinking in and of course your explanation makes the moves so logical. I wish I liked school as much!!! All of your explanations are so clear and straight forward making it so easy to understand. I am enjoying my Sudoku so much now. I am not kidding but I intend to be the best Sudoko player in Australia. But first a whole lot of studying and practice. I have told some friends of your product and you should be hearing from them soon. Again thank you for concern and keep up the good work. I am very pleased with your lesson – and I’m just practicing when I have time, but I’m quicker to solve puzzles and I can handle tougher mor difficul puzzles. This is a very good teaching – and I want that more people take advantage of this teaching – Thanks very much. I am a newcomer to playing Sudoku. After I became interested, I spoke to several people who were playing Sudoku to obtain a method of approaching the game. The result was very confusing. I also used the internet but the websites I found at the time were also confusing. I then found the site for the Sudoku Professor and was very impressed with what I saw. I signed up immediately and have been extremely happy with the result. The Professor uses easy to follow logic which ensures a happy and productive result with puzzles. His lessons are also there with you for revision. I have been impressed with the regular contact I received when working through the lessons. I have no hesitation in recommending the Sudoku Professor to anyone interested in these puzzles. I am a student of the Sudoku Professor and have only good things to say about the service. For years I was a very frustrated Sudoku player,just trying to bluff myself through each game not having any plan or systematic approach.In fact I stopped playing on several occasions because of that reason. I can,t tell how many games I left unfinished. However one day I decided to remedy the situation and was surfing the internet when I came upon The Sudoku Professor,s web sight and thought I would give give it a try. To my pleasant surprise The Sudoku Professor made a whole lot of sense and his logical approach made me realize that I can do this. I immediately signed up to the course and have improved out of sight.I am really enjoying my Sudoku for the very first time and I recommend anyone wanting to master Sudoku also to give The Sudoku Professor a try and do his most informative course. I guarantee you will become a very accomplished sudoku player and find a lot of enjoyment from this wonderful game. However in order to become a very good player you must watch all of the lessons and stick to doing the exercises and just watch how you improve. I still have a long way to go but will stick to The Sudoku Professors plan. I truly do enjoy having this resource . Initially it was a self explore method, which got me pretty far. But when faced with the hardest puzzles I was stumped . Help! How could I find my answers? Voila! , one day I received an email about sudoku professor, and my answers were solved. The professor has a wonderful teaching style that is appealing and clear and concise. I’m grateful because now I can better enjoy one of my favorite pastimes. Sudoku. 🙂 I just want to say thanks for your excellent videos on solving sudoku puzzles. First I tried sudoku in my age 73 when friends recommended to exercise my ageing brain with this game. I was happy to find your lessons promising to teach me the basics, tips, tricks and advanced methods of solving these versatile puzzles. Although I can proceed slowly in viewing your well constructed videos I have got more than expected so far. You have shown me the whole process of solving problems, how to change methods when deeply hidden information is to be revealed. I think these exercises can stimulate your student’s efficiency in digging more information from the facts in the everyday life too. I’m still a Freshman until I successfully complete the lesson 104 puzzles. I took a break after watching the video twice more, and will try the puzzles once again. My wife bought me a big thick Pennypress Sudoku puzzle book. I decided to try them to see if I had learned anything. To my surprise, following your instructions, I completed one hundred and twenty four of them so far. They were the easy ones except seven medium ones. I had to redo four of them because of errors, due to the late hour fatigue. It helped me get used to staring at a grid for a long period. I now have the confidence to continue on with your instructional videos that are very well done. I want to be able to solve the challengers. I am a 78 year old retired engineer, and a crossword puzzle fanatic. I needed a change of pace, and Sudoku is it. Thank you so much. The videos are fantastic. I take each lesson and tip step by step. At the moment I am at the patterns T, J etc and keen to continue on. I have had many successes completing harder puzzles which makes me return to your videos to learn more. I have many lessons to come but look forward to them as they are a wonderful instructional tool. Thank you for your presentation style and thorough approach at an easily followed pace. I am achieving and improving with your assistance, which builds my confidence. Many thanks from Central Australia. About 5 years ago I started doing sudoku exercises when I was working in Iraq, at first I was curious but did not grasp the way to do the exercises and lost all hope of doing the exercises. When I started taking your lessons and the way that you explained the exercises step by step, it started to make sense to me how to do the exercises. You demostrate numerous different ways of doing certain steps for certain exercises and how to pencil in makes it a lot easier not to make a mistake. I learned two important steps tha makes it easier for me to do the exercises 75-80% better now. One is to pencil in and the second is take your time (patience) and go thru numbers again if you hit a bottle neck. Thank you Mr Barker you give great classes or instruction on how to do sudoku. You picked the right name SUDOKU PROFESSOR. It took me over 2 years to get through all the lessons et al (my problem, not yours) but now I’m successfully solving Evil level puzzles on, thanks to your incredible, well-explained techniques. Thanks again for all your efforts! Can’t imagine there would be anything else to teach; you’ve really covered the waterfront. I have found the lessons marvellous. I wish i had accessed them 2 years ago as i am now having to unlearn bad habits. I still have a very long way to go but with your help I know I will get there. Thank You so much. I enjoy your demonstrations in Sudoku, I have enjoyed watching your lovely show, and learning the secrets of Sudoku. You patiently show all the questions one might have, by watching the show over and over if one does not understand. I truly enjoy your show and would recommend to whoever wants to learn more about Sudoku. Thank you for sharing your secrets, or knowledge with us. I have been playing Sudoku for a little over a year. I could complete most puzzles that were tricky but not really tough. As I started to try tougher puzzle I reach a point the puzzles were impossible to solve so I went online and found the Sudoku Professor. The web site offers seven free lessons which I downloaded. The lessons were so helpful I ordered the freshman through senior lessons. I am now able to solve very tough puzzles. Sudoku Professor is a wonderful way to improve your Sudoku skills. The lessons are clear, sequential, enjoyable, and the methods taught are effective. My skills have shown rapid improvement since starting the lessons! I wanted top learn more about Sudoku so surfed the web to see what was available. I came across your website and completed all of the free lessons. After completing the course I was invited to sign up for the remainder of your lessons. I have done this and what a great decision it was. You explain concepts in a clear and concise way that is easy to understand. I have no hesitation in recommending your service to others like me who want to learn how to solve Sudoku puzzles. When I was looking for a tutorial to learn how to do Sudoku I had no intention of paying $67, but the more I looked and read I discovered that I was getting nowhere. Then I decided to go ahead and purchase the videos from the professor. As it turns out it was the best and smartest move that I have made in a long time. I am becoming proficient and gaining a sense of accomplishment like never before. Chad starts you with basic method then and you travel on to learning something new with every lesson. I am now I have found the lessons very helpful. Very well explained, you don’t assume we know what you are talking about, you clearly explain things step by step. I just want to say thanks for your excellent videos on solving sudoku puzzles. First I tried sudoku in my age 73 when friends recommended to exercise my ageing brain with this game. I was happy to find your lessons promising to teach me the basics, tips, tricks and advanced methods of solving these versatile puzzles. Although I can proceed slowly in viewing your well constructed videos I have got more than expected so far. You have shown me the whole process of solving problems, how to change methods when deeply hidden information is to be revealed. I think these exercises can stimulate your student’s efficiency in digging more information from the facts in the everyday life too. Your videos are excellent ! I have taken all the undergraduate lessons and have just started the graduate ones. Before I started watching your videos I found doing very easy puzzles quite challenging. Now I can do very hard puzzles. Your videos have helped me gradually progress. What is particularly helpful is the format of a lesson video and then another video going through the homework exercise puzzle. Your discussions about how to think about various scenarios are a great guide. Thank you! Thank you for the hard work that you have done to make the lessons well presented and of great benefit. The 1 thru 9 approach is much better than filling-in all of the squares with possible numbers before I begin to solve the puzzle. A few of the puzzles that I’ve been working on remain unsolved as I ran out of additional possibilities, and hope that completion of the lessons will give me the additional skill to succeed. Again I thank you for the way that you personally present the material along with practice puzzles. I have benefited by viewing the lessons numerous times as there really is a lot to learn. Thank you again! I have watched all the lessons at least 4 times and always picking up little bits of helpful tips. You have a talent for teaching without putting pressure. The exercises are great. With time and exercises, will eventually understand the game. Thank you! I am very happy with Sudoku Professor…it is very informative. I forget stuff and will have to go back over it, and that is great that I can do so. However, what I do remember has been soooo helpful… all in all, I do enjoy what I have learned. Thank you. It makes doing the puzzles much more enjoyable. I love challenges. I am 74 years old. So far, I don’t feel I have cognitive problems, but I love playing games, and I think that keeps the brain active. Thank you again! I just want to thank you for a REALLY great website on how to approach the Sudoku puzzle. I quit Sudoku several years ago out of frustration because I could never get ahead when the puzzles got a little more difficult. But after taking your online course, I am back and loving it! I even bought the Nikoli Publisher’s puzzle book and having a great time solving the puzzles in it. For anyone who want to know about solving Sudoko puzzles, Chad is your guy! He’s a great teacher and his website is so easy to use and so professional. Step by step he gives you lots of approaches to puzzle-solving that you would never figure out on your own. Thanks for your great work! I am very new to Sudoku. In fact, until I watched Chad’s free lessons, I had never even completed one puzzle because after the obvious fill-ins, I had no idea how to narrow down what number went where. My husband has his own system, but, frankly, it looks too complicated to me. So off to the internet I went to see if I could find some lessons. After watching Chad’s free lessons, I knew his solving method would work for me!! I’m really good at following step-by-step instructions and that’s what these lessons are. I like that Chad works a practice puzzle that you complete with him. Then there is another puzzle to work on your own to reinforce the new concept. I’m on the last lesson of the Freshman level and for the most part, I can work any “easy” level puzzle now and some moderate ones, too! I highly recommend Chad’s program if you want to get proficient at Sudoku puzzles!! Sudoku was a pastime I could not master for quite a few years (I am in my 70s) until a few weeks ago when I discovered “Chad, My Sudoku Professor”. With his help I am sharpening my ability to be patient and focused. The lessons are very easy to follow. Once I was able to absorb the basic technique needed to arrive at a solution the game became fascinating. I am only a sophomore now and already feel I could become addicted to the game. Thank you Chad for helping me discover the elation behind a finished game. You must be the best in this field. Thank you so much for sharing you knowledge with us. I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn’t for your help…I thank you again!!! I’ve really been enjoying the tutorials. I’m not a Sudoku “addict”, but I’ve always enjoyed doing the daily puzzle in our newspaper. I always used the “Brute Force” method, and I actually discovered “double-doubles” and “row/column elimination” on my own, but often with harder puzzles I knew there was some logic key that I just wasn’t seeing. Now, I’m always really excited when I see a pattern in the puzzle that the Professor taught me about. I solve puzzles in a fraction of the time it used to take, it’s much more satisfying, and more fun! I’m up to the Junior level in the tutorials, and solving all but the most difficult puzzles is child’s play now. Thanks, Professor, for giving me the keys to Sudoku secrets! I wanted to let you know the DVD set that I purchased is full of fantastic information for solving Sudoku. The logistics and tips provided certainly do carry you through the solving of the puzzles with great ease. Each time I go through the lessons, I pick up more and more. I certainly am glad that I purchased the set. Thank you for providing a tool that presented information in solving Sudoku in a way that I fully understood. I am practicing on several puzzles before moving to sophomore lesson three. Having watched your lessons and applying the techniques has most definitely increased my enjoyment of working the puzzles. Your style of teaching is quite effective. Yeah I must say your videos are the best, I am using it 2 help my learners too to improve their mental skills as I am a mathematics educator…Thanks Prof.. Everything is going fine so far. I’m only on sophomore 205 but I’m learning a lot. Sometimes I get stuck and don’t know how to proceed and it takes trial and error because I miss some row or column eliminator but it will come with practice. I think the lessons are great and you do a fantastic job of making it easy to understand. Thanks. I’ve been playing Sudoku for about 5 years, but couldn’t seem to get past a certain level. I searched for help in books, online, and finally found The Sudoku Professor. Even though I was beyond the beginning lessons, I went through them all and found them to be very helpful. I have loved the sophomore and junior lessons – can’t wait to get to the senior lessons. He teaches in a way that even I can understand, and it’s really helped my game and my mind (I am a 74-year-old grandmother). The more I learn, the more I want to learn. I promise you will get a lot out of it, no matter what level you are now. I only warn you that it does become addictive! Just started the second lesson at the Junior Level. Have noticed my confidence increasing and am able to tackle some harder puzzles then I could before. The techniques are insightful and being able to observe you solve the puzzles and watch your methodology is great. Also enjoy the exercise puzzles and comparing how I solved them compared to how you approach solving the puzzles and always picking up new techniques in the meantime. I am really enjoying your course. It is very well presented and has helped me a lot. I am a plodder and have just finished the Freshman course after one month. I need to practice, practice, practice. It will all come together later. Everyone has their own speed. No rush. Thanks for your course. I love it. Cheers! I am a 74-year-old retiree grinding his way through another Pittsburgh winter. I have been a kakuro fan for many years and enjoy the challenge of the difficult level Puzzles. Last October I decided to try sudoku. I quickly got to the point where I had to master the world of wings and fishes. This proved to be very difficult. I could not find an explanation that worked for me. I found myself falling asleep staring at a bunch of small number on the iPad. This wasn’t the kind of challenge I was looking for. I just completed your graduate level training program and I want to thank you for it. You’re alternative to the wings and fishes solutions make it possible for me to enjoy solving difficult puzzles. Working my way through conflicts and coalesces requires a great deal of concentration and focus. And the rewards are there when you come to the solution of the puzzle, I am not going to get hung up on the nuances of guessing . I will leave that to you professors. I just want to thank you again for the many hours of challenging and rewarding mental exercise that awaits. I have been solving Sudoku puzzles for about two years. While I just couldn’t stop trying, I was often frustrated. The Sudoku Professor’s course has opened my mind and greatly added to my solving techniques. Early morning usually finds me starting a new puzzle while I enjoy a cup of coffee. What better way to start a day than with the feeling of satisfaction which comes with success?! Everything is going great with the lessons. I’ve learned a ton… I’m currently on junior 302, practicing a lot, and looking forward to the future lessons. Thanks for your knowledge. We’ll talk again soon. I like them a lot and they are very helpful. I am…pleased and enjoy watching and learning your strategies for solving puzzles. I am a 67 year old male who is trying to stave off memory loss and mental activity. Thanks! To let you know how much I appreciate your videos. Up to the time I got to know about them, I just looked at the puzzles, and thought it was all too difficult. Then my curiosity was aroused about you giving methods to solve them. So now I am glad I got your Box Set! I haven’t got into them yet, but I want you to know that I have become an addict – one that’s beneficial, not destructive to my life! A beauty of your videos, as well as your clear and thorough instructions, is the fact that they can be stopped at any stage to allow me to fully understand. I want to recommend to anyone who wants to get enjoyment from Sudoku to get your videos. Thank you. I am SO enjoying them. Maybe there is hope for me yet with Sudoku! I had already done the one thru nine (my son’s suggestion) and had stumbled onto the double-double but did not know what it was called. Your method makes a lot of sense…I never did like having so much information in one little square as some of the others recommend…too confusing! Can hardly wait for the next lesson! A couple of months ago my 11 year old granddaughter had to complete a Sudoku Puzzle as a homework assignment. When she asked for help, I had absolutely no idea what to do. Thanks to a neighbor, her assignment was completed. That is when I checked the internet for information regarding Sudoku and found your site. I started with the free lessons, but soon realized that this was something I really was interested in learning and purchased your program. I am completing the Sophomore 203 lesson and I am amazed at how much I have learned. I now enjoy completing Sudoku Puzzles. I find that in each lesson there is another angle or system that makes the challenge even more exciting. Your presentation is very relaxed and easy to follow. I highly recommend your class to anyone who wants to learn how to solve Sudoku Puzzles. Thanks for the info i can honestly say this is the best service I have had.I am enjoying the lessons and now able to solve lots of puzzles in our papers.I am only on sophomore 202 lessons but repeating exercises to help with technique .Look forward to the other lessons as time permits.Thanks again for all your help. I highly recommend this product for the following reasons. Sudoku Professor lessons provide logical and methodical techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles of all levels of complexity. The Sudoku Professor graduated program of lessons is very user friendly and assumes no previous level of understanding. Personally, the best part about the lessons for me is that they are visual, and if you want to review a new technique you can replay them as required. I also like the fact that the Sudoku Professor keeps in touch to check on your progress or if you need additional support. Using Sudoku Professor techniques helps to prevent or overcome bad techniques or habits from developing I would like to let you know that I enjoy very much your Sudoku lessons. They are very clear and your approach very effective. I recommend this course to any one who plays Sudoku and would like to better master this game; it is an excellent exercise for the brain and a good pastime. I would highly recommend the Sudoku Professors complete set of videos. Thank you Professor! The Sudoku Professor Course is marvelous! My Sudoku skill increased 3-fold & all I did was follow The Sudoku Professor’s instruction and practice what I learned. I use The Sudoku Professor’s explanations & deductive reasoning in solving every Sudoku puzzle I work & I’m completing difficult puzzles, now. I recommend the course most highly! Bought the Gold Course & loved it so much that I ordered another Gold Course & gifted it at Christmas, to a friend recovering from intensive surgeries. He credits Sudoku Professor with saving his sanity & my friend now works the hard puzzles, too. If you’re plodding along on Sudoku, getting nowhere & repeating the same errors, again & again, you can stop wasting your time & gain the satisfaction of solving those same puzzles by using The Sudoku Professor’s instruction. Get the Gold Course, you’ll never regret it. Before taking the seven lessons I thought there must be some algebraic equation i didn’t know about to solve these harder puzzles. When i found the sudoku professor site, I couldn’t wait to watch it. I can now solve puzzles that I could not before and thought were impossible . Thank you! You are an excellent teacher who made me an excellent student. I received my set of ”How to Play Sudoku” [Gold Lessons] and I am very pleased with them. I consider the portability one of the greatest assets they have. I have the complete set on my computer but now they travel with me. I am a super senior so the whole program is a godsend to me. I am a university professor who does as little as possible with math. I work best in a verbal world so when a neighbor encouraged me to work Sudoku, I knew I couldn’t do it. But I found Sudoku challenging and, fortunately, learned that is has nothing to do with math. Still I kept missing out on the patterns and had to search through some books. Arghh! Now I have to learn a new language and these books didn’t explain the terms well. I searched online and found Chad Barker’s site and was so excited that some clear, concise instruction from a very good teacher helped me understand some of the tricks to solving the simplest puzzles. Then I tried the harder ones and failed. Chad Barker came to the rescue again with his fabulous DVD set. Chad is a natural teacher, carefully showing the way to solve the problems, providing hands-on experience for the neophyte like me, and goes even further by having follow-up exercises. His instructions follow all of the best practices for teaching and learning. I encourage everyone – even if you think you know it all – get Chad’s DVD and you will not regret it. These are actually interesting and enjoyable to watch. I had no particular interest in Sudoku puzzles until, last Christmas, when I noticed my daughter-in-law tackling one. I quizzed her on how she went about solving the puzzle. From then on I had the ‘bug.’ Some person passed to me the email of the Sudoku Professor. Once I had received the video package of nineteen videos progressing from Junior to Senior level, I had, through the excellent teaching method of the Professor, Chad Barker, become a regular student of his techniques. Apart from tackling the exercise puzzles following a specific technique video guided through by the Professor, I bought a book suggested by the Professor, The Original Sudoku by the Editors at Nikoli Publishing. This has over 300 puzzles at various levels. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that without the teaching methods of the techniques given by the Professor, the book would simply be an ornament. I have a very satisfying sense of achievement when I have completed a puzzle, which, at first, seemed to be a non-starter. One of the great things about having the Professor’s video pack is that one can call up a particular technique and refresh ones approach when one is stuck! Great value for money! I think your Sudoku videos really do simplify the game and make it more enjoyable rather than having to write in all the numbers into every cell which quite frankly makes you want to pull all your hair out, throw away all your Sudoku books and give it a wide birth!! I do like your idea of simplifying the game however – I am all for simplicity but also challenging as well!! I find the videos very helpful, and I have learned more about solving the puzzles. Thank you! My wife and I have been fans of Sudoku for the past several years but have never really progressed past the ‘Brown Belt’ difficulty. Since our recent enrollment in your ‘Sudoku University’ we have worked through to the Sophomore 203 level in your lessons and are enjoying your systematic approach and pattern solving techniques immensely. We look forward to tackling the ‘Black Belt’ challenges in the near future. Thanks for a great product! After studying your course , my sudoku technique is wonderful. I have achieved a success rate of 75-100% in hard and evil levels. So I just enjoy sudoku every day. Being a survivor from a major stroke, a few years back, and 81 years old, my activities are somewhat limited. But then a few months ago I started to get interested in Sudoku and it was difficult at first with all the web information, Then I ran into Sudoku Professor and it all changed. You are very good and in just a short time this has become my best hobby. I find it keeps my thoughts clear and every puzzle it now a nice challenge. Thank you so much. I love the Sudoku Professor videos. “Professor” Barker goes slow enough, and repeats often–in a clear voice, so you are able to really pick up on what he is doing to figure out the puzzles. I have improved tremendously with his help. I love that I can not only hear what he says but can follow along with the large replica puzzle while he is working on it. That is a great visualization tool! So much better than just reading it in a book and trying to figure it out from there. Thanks Professor. The Sudoku Professor doesn’t simply give you “tips” to help solve puzzles, but rather presents you with a logical way to approach and think about sudoku … Anyone can do simple “cross-hatching” or fill the squares with numerous candidates … There’s no logic in that – no use of mental acumen … The joy in solving sudoku, especially the extreme puzzles, is figuring out the patterns … The techniques which Chad shares help to unlock those puzzles without endless frustration … Once you learn the value of “double-doubles” (crucial to solving) and “thinking outside the box,” you can solve almost any puzzle (even those nasty computer generated ones) … As you proceed through the video lessons, you realize that you have the necessary building blocks to logically solve puzzles … You don’t need those sophisticated “swordfish” and elaborate “chain” techniques in order to solve even the trickiest puzzles … In essence, Chad gets you to think about how to approach each puzzle by recognizing what the puzzle gives you … It’s a remarkably simple yet effective way to deal with puzzles of all degrees of difficulty … Once you reach the graduate lessons, you will have developed a newfound confidence that allows you to solve any puzzle in a relatively short period of time … THIS COURSE IS FANTASTIC !! THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE TERRIFIC !! I started receiving Lessons just last year, and I am already doing puzzles in “MENZA Absolutely Nasty SUDOKU”. My Family history has involved many cases of Dememtia (Alzheimers), and I feel that this Course has helped me retain my memory, at 75 years of age. Thanks to Chad Barker, The Professor. I have been having a great time learning your methods for Sudoku. I still have lot more to learn. Keep up your great work. My interest was piqued by my son and daughter doing Sudoku.. I tried doing it on my own but was using the “write in every possible number” method which resulted in becoming frustrated with it. An eighty year old lady told me how easy it was once you saw patterns. That still didn’t help, but I figured if she could do it, I should be able to also. I checked out on-line help and found it unsatisfactory until I came upon Sudoku Professor. This system unlocked the method behind the madness that is Sudoku. A great way to learn how to play Sudoku puzzles. Worth every penny and I recommend the Professor. I’m so happy I found the “Sudoku Professor.” He has helped me tremendously with just the first level of classes. I’m especially happy to have learned the “row and column elimination” technique. Where it used to take me hours to do even simple puzzles, I can now do them in minutes. Before the professor’s lessons, I was writing in all of the possible numbers to figure out the puzzle, but now I can see the answers with just writing in a few numbers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am a satisfied customer! The videos are very informative, with strategies that I would never of thought of. I am on the Sophomore level. You have given me lots of new ways to look at an unsolved Sudoku. Thanks! I really enjoy the new concepts, always good to keep learning. Thanks for making Sudoku so much fun. I’m really glad I purchased the Sudoku Professor’s Freshman through Graduate lessons. Chad (the Sudoku Professor) has taken the mystery out of solving Sudoku puzzles. The easy puzzles are now very easy to solve and the intermediate to hard ones are now doable and fun to do. (no more headaches or unsolved puzzles) The solving techniques in each of the lessons are clearly presented and the exercise puzzles are also clearly reviewed with the lesson concepts and previously learned techniques reinforced. I now can solve all of my puzzles with limited pencil markings and I now understand concepts such as 1-9s – thinking outside the box – pattern recognition – double row and column elimination – double doubles – triple combos – cross box double doubles – cloaked triple doubles and much more. All of these techniques and more are clearly explained and reviewed as you progress through the lessons. If you want to have more fun solving Sudoku puzzles from “Easy to Hard” give Chad’s lessons a try. You won’t be sorry you did, just do and view the lessons and do the same for the exercises. In no time at all you’ll be solving Sudoku puzzles that you previously thought were way beyond your skill level and impossible for you to do. Good morning Chad! I love to go work on puzzles! So when my brother introduced me to Sudoku I became immediately hooked. But I soon became frustrated at my ability to only work the simplest puzzles to completion no matter how much I studied them. In my quest to find help, I stumbled onto the “Sudoku Professor” web site –what great luck! I have worked through the first few lessons and already have experienced an amazing increased ability to pick up a newspaper or magazine and work puzzles to completion. Retired now, but for the last 48 years I worked as a warrant officer (and later a contractor) to provide logistical missile system management. Part of this experience required that I be responsible to generate portable lessons for teaching soldiers how to operate and repair complex missile functions. I can tell you that the Sudoku lessons meet all the standards of high quality video instruction and anyone who takes the video lessons; works all the examples to understanding (and finds a little spare time to practice with outside lessons) will reach higher skill levels quickly and totally enjoy the method of presentation. A “Go Tide” Alabamian, I signed up first for the initial Sudoku Professor videos and liked them so much that I bought the advanced videos too. I thoroughly enjoyed all of them and it helped me to work on Sudoku Puzzles, which I do every day. Chad Baker is an informative and entertaining teacher. I have found the videos to be very helpful. The way they are presented is very good and the explanations are very helpful. Your videos are very helpful & I like the fact that I can save then and refer back to the and hold them till I get your tips through my “NAT” brain…Getting puzzles done a little faster is Fun as well 🙂 I’m a visual learner and your lesson is right up my alley. You’re doing a great job and I love the way you explain your techniques. Keep up the good work and looking forward to each and every lesson. You’re my kind of teacher…the way I like to teach. Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for today’s lesson. I have gone from hating Sudoku to being excited to doing my next puzzle. You have been a TREMENDOUS and have made Sudoku fun and DOABLE….. FINALLY! I am amazed with your techniques to solve these puzzles . I learn something new every time I visit your site and I am enjoying the game of Sudoku more and more.Thank you. Chad I can tell you that before I got your lessons I was sometimes finishing puzzles as long as they where given lots of numbers ahead of time.I didn’t have a logical order that I followed but now you given me that and also some new tricks to follow to get through even when their is little numbers.Simply put you can’t build a house without the foundations which your lessons gave me so thanks as it’s a lot more fun now to do the puzzles! When I purchased your program I had just began to do Sudoku. I had no idea how to start so I went on the internet and found your web site. I found your lessons very easy to understand and very well presented. I have now finished the graduate course and am doing very hard puzzles. I still need a lot of practice but with your coarse I am getting better every day. I now enjoy many hours of Sudoku. Thanks Chad! Hello, I’m Sergio from Naples, Italy. For a long time I tried to capture a method to solve the sudoku puzzles but everything seemed so hard until I met Chad Baker with his Professor Sudoku web site The site hosts many hours of video on various techniques for solving sudoku puzzles and Professor Chad Baker guides you from the most basic techniques to those adopted by the great sudoku players. The videos can be seen countless times and this makes it possible to clarify any questions that relate to concepts that seem a little difficult for us. Also the videos can be saved on our PC and this makes easier to move between the various lessons. The Professor Sudoku method is very simple and in no time you’ll find that sudoku has no more secrets for you.Good luck in Professor Sudoku! I find the Sudoku videos to be fun and also effective, opening doors for me! No problems. I’ve only completed the sophomore lessons, taking my time, and enjoying this. You’re a great teacher and I’m really enjoying your lessons and your methods…Just wanted to let you know, along with your other millions, how much my solving is benefiting from your teaching! The videos are a very convenient way to “study” and gain insight and understanding of sudoku. I don’t have to wait for the lessons to load,etc.–they are ready to go… I think they are great. I see something a little clearer each time I review a different lesson. Thank you for checking how I have been doing. I really appreciate it because it shows genuine concern. I have been really enjoying the videos a lot and I have been very systematical and I have solved many puzzles that I had purchased. You sir have been a perfect professor no question about that… I am very grateful to you, you have an amazing gift of teaching. You do not rush and you repeat you are really patient. I really wish you were here at times !! Since subscribing to Sudoku Professor I have been able to finish many more puzzles without screwing up. The videos are clear and concise and cover many things I would not have thought of on my own; the game is so much more enjoyable now that I have hope for maybe actually completing the more difficult ones and so am looking forward to trying one of the 5 board ones. Kudos to Chad and thank you ! Cheers! I am truly enjoying Sudoku more now. I am clearly learning many more ways of looking at the puzzles besides the 1 through 9 and that makes it more fun and often helps me see things I did not see during my first attempt. I find working the puzzles very relaxing and it certainly is an excellent workout for my brain!! Thanks again for the great videos. You explain things very well. I have thoroughly enjoyed the lectures and the attendant exercises. I feel that my game is getting better and the mental acuity that Sudoku requires is also evident in my thought process in unrelated things. Additionally, Sudoku has become a great stress reducing agent. My hat is off to you as a teacher, mentor, and personal coach. You are not only expert in Sudoku, you also know how to put it across to your students. Additionally, you do not allow us to get sloppy (or stay sloppy) in our habits or to get discouraged. I am very grateful that you have made this course available to us at an affordable price. Best wishes, Just letting you know this is the best course I have experienced since “The Great Courses”. Very clear and easy to follow your lead. My success is improving out of site. Ever thought of teaching Chess? I think they are the greatest thing ever for Sudoku, and have been of immense help in my puzzle solutions. I also think your manner of presentation is the very best. Your teaching is very clear, easy to follow (couldn’t have put it better myself!). I enjoy them very much… I think your lessons are an excellent way to start solving Sudoku puzzles for someone, like myself, who hasn’t done them before. Thank you for interesting lessons. I am enjoying the videos immensely… Through the video lessons, I have learned a lot and my confidence is growing… I am retired and had been looking for something fun to keep my mind energized! Thank you for all you do!! I was a real amateur when I started with your videos. I am really enjoying them and learning fast. I have just finished Sophomore and will start on Junior this week-end. Have already been able to do more difficult puzzles in the Sudoku Nicoli Book I bought than I could before but it also makes me realise that there is so much more to learn!! I have learned a lot about Sudoku while watching your videos. When I first started, I could not figure out the most simple puzzles. Now I can work the daily newspaper ones, with exception to the Saturday and Sunday editions which are the hardest. Its about four weeks now since I purchased your videos. For me personally learning Sudoku has been an amazing and surprising experience because I haven’t learn how to solve Sudoku before. I really love your Sudoku videos, because your teaching techniques is so easy to follow. You are teaching the logic and the techniques step by step using plain English which I can understand easily because English is my second language. Also the video let me repeat the lessons again and again until I master it before moving on to the next level. Overall I enjoy your Sudoku videos immensely. To date I am able to solve easy puzzle without difficulties and I will continue to keep learning so I can improve and hopefully in the future I will be able to solve more difficult puzzles by applying the techniques I learn from you videos. Its money well spent and I appreciate your personal approach to your students! Hi Chad, just a short note to say hi and to let you know that I am progressing nicely. my wife and I have been sudoku addicts for only a month or so and have found your lessons to be just the ticket to push us along into new ways to process the logistics of this fun activity. Your lessons certainly contain some gems of knowledge and for these we are humbly grateful.
I have just started doing sudoku puzzles and was pretty much lost till I stumbled onto your website. Thank you so much for your videos. They are wonderful, and I have found success after watching your videos. You are the best thing I have found to help me understand how to solve a sudoku puzzle. I don’t know what to say except thank you so much and keep up the good work. I may have given up the puzzles if I hadn’t found your web site. Thank You so much. Hey Sudoku Professor, Thank you very much for you help. I’m up to the Junior 1 & 2 Puzzles, and today I finally made it through a “four star” newspaper puzzle that took me days to finish… but I did it!! The “too much information” rule is, I think, the most helpful rule I’ve learned. I’m looking forward to the Senior puzzles and think maybe I’ll be able to finish my 4 stars sooner after I work through those. I’m addicted! Sincerely, Mr. Chad Barker, I recently bought your Sudoku lessons. I was doing Sudoku close to 1 year, I read several courses that were free on the Internet, and I could not grasp when they explained, like you mentioned, x-wing, xyz-wing, Swordfish, etc, etc. After using your method after 1 or 2 days I realized I could complete diabolical Sudoku’s in about 30 to 35 minutes. Now I only works on diabolical Sudoku and have fun doing it. Best regards, Hello Professor, When I bought your video’s I was pretty new at Sudoku and thought the only way to solve them was to use the “Brute Force Technique”. After watching some of your video’s I can see where the numbers go more easier than before. The techniques that you teach are very easy and straight forward it was worth the money . I would also like to say that the outfit that you wear in the video’s is a nice touch. Dear Chad, I am having no problems at all… I have a book of Sudoku Puzzles that I am able to do now, thanks to you. I have always been able to do the rather easy ones, the 1, 2, and 3 stars with success. Now I can do those 3 stars a lot faster using what I have learned from you. It was the 4,5, and 6 star puzzles that I have always had a problem with. Again , thanks to you and your way of solving methods I have done a few of the 5 stars and one of the 6 stars. I will admit that the 6 star took some time but I did it successfully. Dear Chad, I am a subscriber to your on line videos, and after 2 weeks, I finished viewing and working the Freshman and Sophomore Videos/puzzles. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with your presentation method and the progress I am personally making solving the sudoku puzzles. Nothing that I have tried up to now has been as effective as your videos and working through the puzzles with you on the videos. Now, I am solving moderate puzzles with good success where I couldn’t even solve them before. Your techniques are the greatest and I look forward to continuing through the junior and senior puzzles. Thank you so much for making your videos available. Regards, Dear Chad, I have watched all of the lessons. I have not in the past done a lot of puzzles. Some of the techniques you have presented, e.g., one through nines, thinking outside of the box, I have done by accident, I suppose. I just was not doing them with any structure. You have helped me great deal there. The techniques of the double doubles and the triple doubles were new to me and they are invaluable. I cannot thank you enough. The easy level 1 puzzles have become very easy to do and I have successfully completed a few level 4 puzzles that in the past would have taken much longer to do. I probably would have just given up on them. Thanks a lot, Hi, Chad, I just got lucky and found your lessons right after I’d started doing sudoku. I’ve been a crossword person for years and finally decided I had to see what all the hoo-ha was about. The lessons are great. Thanks again, Chad: I watched all four lessons & enjoyed them. I am able to do the easy puzzles so far with little difficulty and I had never done them before. I would have to say that the lessons have been very helpful. Thanks so much. Hi Chad, Your lessons are FANTASTIC!!! Thank you so much…I am enjoying them very much and I have forwarded them to friends as well. Your “character” and your method is GREAT! My girl friend and I (both retired engineers) just love it. Thanks so much. Sincerely, Chad, I started–per your suggestion–on Freshman Video #2. I PICKED UP A TRICK I HADN’T CAUGHT BEFORE. JUST ONE SO FAR, BUT I WAS SO EXCITED, I WANTED TO TELL YOU RIGHT AWAY. It’s so simple, I’m amazed I didn’t catch it before. My worst fear in your videos to date is that I won’t have to enter each & every possible subset number in every cell. The complexity between Medium & Hard is so pronounced that neither my husband nor I thought there would be any other way. NOW I’M BEGINNING TO HOPE AGAIN. Thank you, thank you, thank you! THANK YOU!!! Where do I begin, I wanted to send you this information but, I didn’t want to seem like I was bragging. I have done all the puzzles, including the ones you just gave information on how to look at the puzzle from different ways using your system. IT WORKS….. I’VE LEARNED SO MUCH FROM YOUR LESSONS I APPRECIATE YOU BEING THERE .. Thank You Again. Just a short note to say thanks for taking the time to create the videos. Good investment for me. I’m still learning, mostly to trust my instincts and not 2nd guess myself. After watching your vids I am presently completing about 60 to 70 percent of the medium challenge puzzles. The easy ones I am pretty much trotting through, and I can sit and watch the evening news and do 3 or 4 back to back without much hesitation. These things are addictive for sure. Thanks Again, Hi Chad I am impressed with your videos. I found them interesting and fun. I can now do the easy level of sudoku, and some of the intermediate level puzzles. Best Regards, Hi Chad, I bought the Graduate Level videos at the same time I bought the Gold Level ones. I used to think pencil marks were for wimps, and never bothered with them before, just trying to keep all the information in my head, but you taught me that the patterns are actually easier to see when the information is there in black and white, and you also taught me what information is useful to write down and what isn’t. One thing I still do differently from you, though, is I sitll go through the puzzle and see what numbers I can fill in immediately (sort of doing the 1-9 in my head) and filling in as much as I can before putting in any pencil marks. What I like about your videos, is that anyone can benefit from them, whether they’ve been playing Sudoku for a long time, or are completely new to the game. Until now, I’ve just been playing the easy to intermediate puzzles, and haven’t had a clue as how to go about solving the really difficult ones. I’m looking forward to getting into the Graduate Level videos, but I know I’m going to have to concentrate more on those, because they’re likely to take me into territory I haven’t explored before. Thank you, and keep up the good work! Kind Regards, Hey, your lessons and method of teaching are great! I just finished winning a game in record time using these lessons. Your technique of going through the numbers was helpful, and your concept of “too much information” was particularly helpful. I am looking forward to the next lesson. Thanks for the lessons. I am usually fair at the easy ones but at my age, 65, I need to push my brain to get some gray matter exercise, and you help with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chad I am delighted. This is a great format and the lesson is also great. Here are some personal thoughts: 1. overall video and lesson great 2. video quality is very good 3. lesson content shows patience to teach the basics of sudoku in a way understandable and fun to watch. 4. windows media is a great choice 5. the length of the lesson is just right Overall I am very impressed. I am thinking about showing a sign on the back window of my pickup that says Learn Sudoku On-Line My 6 1/2 year old grandson is enjoying your videos. He is learning Sudoku and is doing quite well. Jacob and I watch your lessons together and we talk about what we see. Thank you. Great job. All the other sites want to sell you something before you learn anything. I take it back, you learn that you don’t need them and their jumbled crap. Keep up the good lessons I will recommend you to my friends. Thanks, I thought my method for solving was good, but your method is much better and results in a quicker solution . . . . Greetings, Sudoku Prof (SP for short) Pursuant to your request for feedback, may I say without reservation that your video lessons are clear and to the point, which is just what they should be. Using your techniques are improving my game considerably. Thanks! Your humble student, Your videos were very helpful in learning how to play Sudoku. Thank you very much for creating them and sharing them with us. I wish to let you know how much I am enjoying your videos. I admire your professional approach and the extremely clear way you make it all come over. Very many thanks. Hey Chad, Thanx for your commitment. I think you have given me a great heads up on the matter. I never knew how addictive it could be. I think I’m going to have to take up Sudoku anonymous therapy classes now. So long and thanx again. Due to your instructions, I have been playing Sudoku and deeply enjoying the game. I have not passed up a game yet thanks to you. Most profound thanks. Hi Chad: Your videos are terrific and I have sent your website info to a few friends and hopefully they will contact you and get started. Have a fine day. Cheers, Thank you very much, Professor. I did enjoy the videos, they are very helpful and easy to understand. I’m sure this appreciation is shared by many of your students. Wishing you all the best. Hi Chad: I enjoy your lessons very much. We get two newspapers and they each have a puzzle, so that keeps me busy most of the time. I also have a magazine of puzzles. Being an 86 year old, it gives me a great excuse to sit and WORK. HAVE A GOOD WEEK. Hi Chad, Your presentation is second to none. 100% tops. A great help to anyone how once to learn the basic of Sudoku. The videos helped with the notation and logic. Thanks. We have really enjoyed these…my son and I…he was having difficulties doing Sudoku at school. Looking forward to the next. Hi, Chad I truly enjoy your Sudoku lessons. Explanations are clear and detailed (just great !). Keep on your good work, Chad : I just can’t wait for my next Sudoku lesson ! Have a nice day and take care. Your video is great. I love the game, and now I can play it better thanks to you. I can enjoy it. Its lots of fun. Thank you so much. Chad, I think you videos are excellent. I am still learning, and I sometimes replay them all to refresh my memory. I am a senior, and I find I cannot retain things like I did when younger – like you, I have told several of my friends about your lessons, and told them how to get the videos. I am sure you will be hearing from some of them. Thank you again…I look forward to the next lesson. I have just started doing sudoku puzzles and was pretty much lost till I stumbled onto your website. Thank you so much for your videos. They are wonderful, and I have found success after watching your videos. You are the best thing I have found to help me understand how to solve a sudoku puzzle. I don’t know what to say except thank you so much and keep up the good work. I may have given up the puzzles if I hadn’t found your web site. Thank You so much. Love it!!!!! I’ve definitely enjoyed the teaching videos, and they have been a great help to me. I have a better time doing them. Thank you. Hi Chad-I’m just a beginner and your lessons are very important. I look forward to the next one. Your videos are excellent! I’m looking forward to your advanced videos for us that have mastered the more basic puzzles. Thank you. I am very impressed with how easy you make learning Suduko. Having never played this game prior to receiving your first lesson, I am feeling like I am getting it. Each lesson has helped me even more. I will highly recommend your services to anyone who asks. So far so good, you definitely make yourself understood. An idiot could understand. Please keep up the good work. Thanks again! Hey Professor… As a beginning Sudoku player I searched the web, found your site and subscribed. At the time I was brute-forcing my games with real poor results. After watching your video’s on 1-9, doubling, and searching for patterns, I am now completing the Sudoku puzzles in the local weekly paper. I’m looking forward to receiving more lessons and maybe moving my game up the rung of difficulty a notch. Thanks again. Hey Prof. The lessons are appreciated. They are a more organized approach than I have used before. So they are a help. Thanks. Hello there Professor, I love your lessons because your teaching makes it so simple for me. I watch my husband faithfully work [Sudoku puzzles], but he has no patience with my slow understanding, just like I won’t let him teach me golf, being that I hit left handed. Keep sending them. I viewed all four of the videos you emailed me and they were great. Thank you Hi Chad, I’m hooked. I was seeing Sudoku everywhere & I just didn’t get it. Then when I was preparing a CARE box to send to my grandson in Iraq, my daughter suggested puzzles & Sudoku was one on them. I told her I didn’t get it but I never tried. She said she would show me, but I was impatient to know, so I went on line & found your Sudoku classes & now being a numbers person, I’m hooked & look forward to each lesson. Thank you, Hi Chad. I started to play sudoku about 2 months ago and never used to mark any other numbers in until I got to the hard puzzles. And that’s when it got to be too much information just like you said. That is when I contacted you for help. Thanks and looking forward to more lessons. Dear Sudoku Professor: Thank you for emailing me the lessons, I am now anxiously waiting to receive the 5th lesson and then I wonder what is next. I love watching your videos, and I have them all saved. I have learned a lot and from your techniques… I am a very busy housewife and a grandma I hardly get free time to solve much. I have also forwarded your website to some of my friends. Again thanks a lot for the videos. I find your instructions to be very helpful, as a matter of fact after looking at the 3rd lesson, I was able to figure out how to complete the puzzle. Because of your instructions I have bought a Sudoku puzzle book and I am finding the easy and medium puzzles a snap. Professor Sudoku, Your Lessons are clear, concise, helpful and talked me off the ledge… I’m determined to “get this” and with your help I’m sure I’ll succeed. Thanks! Thank you for the lessons this is all new to me you have made it easy. I feel I have it. Great stuff, Thanks for the lessons. I am using your two and three in box or column primarily, and when that fails, stepping back and filling all the spaces in the mostly filled areas. I owe you. Thanks, I do enjoy the videos. I find them helpful. I received a book of 90 “easy” Sudoku puzzles and find that I am able to solve most of them. I did look at a couple of other online sudoku aids but as you note, I found them difficult to work with. I generally try one [puzzle] each day, and as I said I do figure out most of them. Thanks for your help Dear Chad, I want to thank you for taking the time to produce your Sudoku videos. Although I’ve reached the point where I can do a few hard puzzles, I don’t seem to be able to push forward and do them successfully on a regular basis. Your videos have already given me a few new ways of looking at the puzzles. I am looking forward to working through the whole series. Sincerely, The videos are a great help and are time saving. [Puzzles] are a lot easier to solve when you don’t have too much information. I am very pleased with your video teaching on solving Sudoku puzzles. I now enjoying doing a Sudoku puzzle without frustration. I reckon you have done a great job Professor – keep it up! Your lessons have made Sudoku fun and I would never have kept with it, if not for your clear, relaxed teaching style. Thanks so much. I think the videos are great! I did not know you solve the Sudoku puzzles live on video. It is a great way to experience how you think your way through a puzzle. My skill at solving more difficult Sudoku puzzles is increasing. They are easy to follow and I am enjoying learning. I have gone through all your lessons through the advanced techniques. I now feel there is no puzzle I cannot solve… I have always enjoyed these puzzles but your lessons have brought me to another level of confidence. I think they are “wonderful”… Each one I review has taught me something. Thank you ! Your videos have helped me a great deal. It is much easier to learn Sudoku by watching you solve a puzzle than by reading a book. I’m still learning but can do medium to hard puzzles now thanks to your instructions. Loving [the] videos. I am amazed how well I am doing solving the puzzles with your techniques. I couldn’t have done it without your help. I can solve the intermediate puzzles in a faster an efficient way following your solving techniques. I am very grateful to you and your continuous reminders and ways of encouragement. You have taken my Sudoku proficiency up several levels! Many thanks for all your enlightening videos! You are definitely delivering what you promised, and we highly recommend membership to those people who see soduko puzzles in the newspapers and think to themselves “You’ve got to be kidding me! These things aren’t doable! I really enjoy the videos and I watch them often. I personally think they are very informative and I have improved my Sudoku problem solving tremendously. Phenomenal! We have been watching your videos every night and practicing on ones in the books and what an improvement…What fun this is and thank you for the work you have put in to this. They are helping me to solve the puzzles better than in the past! Thanks for your assistance. I have thoroughly enjoyed the process. Thanks for all of the follow-up on your lessons. I have found the lessons and the follow-up to be very useful. They have met your promises and my expectations. Probably one of the best $ I’ve spent. Since taking your course, I’ve zipped through the Easy puzzles and Medium and am now working on the Difficult puzzles…. Thanks! Yes, I am enjoying your videos very much. I have been going over them the second time starting from the first one in and doing so I am realizing that I missed important details. I like the way the information is organized and I even wish I had learned some of those thoughts processes during my school years. Good job! Although I have not had a chance to get very far into the lessons, what I have done so far has been very helpful. It is particularly useful to watch you go through your explanations step by step. I am completely satisfied with what I have learned so far and look forward to continuing. Even though I am still working on simple puzzles, I get a great deal of enjoyment out of them. Thanks very much. I’m improving already and not making such a mess of my sudoku puzzles. I am having a lot of fun with the games. I can succeed with the intermediate games. I shall try some more advance ones next. I have watched the videos and see that often there is a pattern. I would not be able to do the games if it was not for the videos. They are very good Chad! Videos are excellent…Totally addicted! Thank you for the information and how to tackle sudoku puzzles. I have solved 15 so far and am getting faster…without your help I would not have solved any! I have enjoyed the lessons and have learned a lot! Hi Maestro! It has been FUN so far and Sudoku is a lot easier. I can spot the numbers faster. My wife is amazed of me and is asking to tell her the secrets that I know something she doesn’t, so I did! She is not putting the time, because she is busy doing taxes…but she admires me a lot and I like that! Thanks a Million times for making me look smarter! I have viewed and solved all the sudoku puzzles you have sent by printing and following along on the solutions. The help has been tremendous!!! Thank you for your step-by-step instruction. You have the heart of a teacher and I’m a very grateful student. I enjoyed the lessons. The step by step logic is very helpful. The videos are excellent – it’s given me a new hobby in effect, as now I can solve puzzles which were impossible to me before! Best wishes and thanks! You are the best!! I can’t believe all the personal attention you provide for the members. You have a lifetime fan with me!! I love your work……. effective instructor with a thorough knowledge base… Be well and receive all the gratitude your members shower on you. I know there are more of those members than the nay sawyers…….. 🙂 I love the lessons. The lessons are easy to understand and I feel like you are a friend. When I do listen to a lesson, I can grasp the logic. Your lessons have been wonderful… Your lessons have been enlightening in an easier way to try to solve the puzzles… Your lessons were well worth the money. Videos are very good. I have made very good progress quite quickly as a result of the techniques set out. The lessons have been very helpful! I received a “Sudoku a Day” calendar last Christmas and was stuck on the hard puzzles. Now that I’ve been through all of the lessons, I’m keeping up with the puzzles and don’t have any outstanding unsolved puzzles. Thanks for the lessons, I didn’t think that I needed them, but right after watching the first lesson I realized that I was confusing my mind with excessive pencil marks, forcing the cells since I started doing Sudoku a couple years ago. Since then I got up to the “Senior Lesson”. Your thorough explanation of routines for locating the correct numbers easily cut my puzzle time in half. I am very happy that I spent the time on your lessons (and replaying). I am making progress thanks to your videos. The videos are great! my Sudoku solving has improved considerably. …all I can say is WOW! I can tell you that no one should waste their time looking for help when all they have to do is get with your program and they should have everything they will ever need to be successful with Sudoku. I enjoy your lessons, and they have helped me! I bought the Sunday Times yesterday. I managed to solve both the hard and very hard Sudoku puzzles. This would have been impossible for me only a short while ago. It’s all down to your excellent techniques. Many thanks and best wishes. Thanks for checking in. I am thoroughly enjoying your lessons. My skill level is increasing and now all I need is: Practice, practice, practice! You are a wonderful teacher :)) I am enjoying the lessons thoroughly! Sorry I haven’t written sooner. If I hadn’t discovered your web-site, I don’t think that I would be solving Soduko so successfully. I must admit that my biggest faux pas is trying to solve things prematurely. Your advice is consistent and reaps rewards. I like the approaches that you teach. So glad that you have created these videos. Thank you. Think they are great.Clear to the point and you have great patience with your students. It is easy to go back and see where you made your mistakes. Best money I ever spent. Sincerely, Initially, I felt reluctant to spend money on lessons for something that seemed like a pastime. But I was so impressed with how helpful the free lessons were that I decided to take a chance on the rest. It has been more than worth it! The lessons are GREAT!! They have changed my experience of Sudoku – it has become a bit of an obsession! I am moving through the lessons slowly and doing all the practice exercises, and other puzzles from a book I have as well. You are a wonderful teacher, with the ability to make complicated logic seem simple. I had tried to look up Sudoku techniques on the web before I found yours, and found only confusion and hard to follow stuff. These lessons are really a cut above what else is out there. What is particularly helpful is following you as you reason your way through a puzzle from start to finish. This is far better than a trick here or a technique there – it has given me what I needed from the outset…a process to follow to solve the puzzles. The fact that the lessons are video is part of what is so helpful…I don’t have to go back and forth between a written description and what is happening on the puzzle – it is all right there! I continue to enjoy the lessons, and will continue to move through them slowly, so I can really savor them. Thank you so much for putting these lessons together. I’m enjoying the videos…. I’m so hooked on Sudoku I do them everyday. You are a wonderful teacher!! I’m enjoying the videos. I’m so hooked on Sudoku I do them everyday. You are a wonderful teacher!! I guess I need you standing over my shoulder helping me. Just Kidding! I am retired with some physical handicaps so I have plenty of time to peruse the puzzles. I am learning…I have worked some easy puzzles to completion and correctly so I am on my way to becoming a Sudoku wizard. Thanks! Your lessons are priceless. Yes I’ve really put the tips to work – actually I felt I had my money’s worth just with the free lessons. Now I’m addicted. I’m looking forward to my vacation in two weeks when I can finish the lessons – I’m just into the sophomore levels and hoping to learn enough to do the “insane”… I’m just thrilled to be able to finish correctly every puzzle so far in our daily paper. Wish I had the time to do this all day but I’m retired and have grandchildren. Can’t thank you enough for making Sudoku so enjoyable. I am ready to start the Brown Belt series on Sudko. I purchased your program in January 2011. Reason I am writing to you, is to suggest to your previous clients to review your web site again. You may use this testimonial. I went into your graduate level and realize you are saying things, I was not familiar like the jay factor. So I decide to go back and start with the Freshmen classes. I am picking up tips that I was not aware or just forgot. I am really enjoying your new web site and your format. I am so glad, I wrote to you on advice on the colase. I am learning so much and it has brought out the old joy that I had learning your program. I am sure your graduates would love your new web site and your presentations. Thank you so much. I can hardly wait till I get to the black belt series. I am VERY pleased with the videos to date very informative and fun to do. I am at the sophomore level and doing well. Loving the knowledge and benefit from your instruction. Enjoy them. Very helpful! I am enjoying the lessons. I have completed them and now reviewing. I am having a lot of fun with techniques and am hopeful that I will keep improving. I am going to buy puzzle book today from your recommendation. I am still having trouble completing them and make wrong deductions but with your lessons I have a chance to improve at last. Your video approach to teaching Sudoku via videos is fantastic! I enlarge the view, put in my special earplugs for increasing my hearing ability and go through the entire lesson. I repeat the lesson, this time following with the lesson download and find that the immediate repetition enables me to follow along much easier and without pauses. I am enjoying the lessons very much and thank you for developing such a fun teaching technique. I love the videos. The methods you teach are much easier to remember that any other method I have tried. I think your teaching in the videos is exceptional. I am up to the senior level and have learnt so much. My Sudoku solving has improved enormously and I am happy with the results. Dear Chad, I am on the Junior Level as of today. I very much like the new options that I learned solving the more difficult puzzles. I love Sudoku and now I love it even more. Thank you for all your creative videos. I am impressed by your presentation and the methods you use. I confess that I don’t always remember your quick methods such as the J and cross formats. However I am enjoying Sudoku much better without having to analyse each square (enter all possible numbers) before starting. I am a little over half way through your course, fitting it in between other activities. My thanks for your efforts and clear descriptions. I just started the Sophomore level lessons today. I’m trying to digest the lesson material and find time today to do the exercise. Tentative schedule is during my lunch hour. I am pleased to say that I am enjoying this journey though. Your lessons are taught well and full of information. I am enjoying learning the, what I call, Dynamic Pencil Marking methods you are teaching. I’m doing Sudoku puzzles without the fixed pencil markings (FPM) as I have grown accustomed to. But I am trying to break away from their apron strings. I still have some growing pains though. A time or two I’ve gone ahead and solved harder puzzles with the FPMs just to underline my confidence in being able to solve. I then wait a bit and go back with the DPMs. What a way to grow, huh? I’ll let patience do it’s wonderful work as I earn my way to being a Sudoku Master like you. I really enjoyed your lessons and I would recommend them to anyone that is interested in Sudoku. I’m unlocking puzzles that a few weeks ago I’d give up on. I went from the green belt to brown belt and I’m thinking of taking your advanced lessons when I think I’m ready. Again thank you very much. Once again I’m so excited about these lessons,I’m now starting Freshman 102 and i got myself a Sudoku mag at the bookstore and it is puzzles hand made by Nikoli which i am pleased about. I have started with the easy ones and yes one of them i got stuck and had to peek at the answers to see were i am going wrong, but i am starting to look for patterns and of course logic. I cannot download to much at a time- don’t have a lot of bandwith. As you say rather go over the first ones again to really get a good grounding. I don’t want to bore you with to much stuff but thanks again and hope we can chat soon. Learning lots! Trying to accelerate solving with the technique’s I have learned. Doing practice with Brown Belt Sudoku…As I do other puzzles I am beginning to notice the distinct patterns. That really helps. It’s funny because my brain is starting to do automatically rather than have to tell it what to do. I feel that’s amazing.! I really like the videos. I like the way you present the lessons. You have a very gifted way of teaching and I am enjoying them very much. I must say I am enjoying your videos. They have been a great help in learning to find answers to the more difficult games. When I first started I had no idea where to begin, I didn’t really understand the game. But through watching your videos I am now enjoying sudoku and always look forward to learning more. Thank you! I am doing fine with your lessons. I have done Suduku puzzles for years and I am now starting to think different!! I have been solving puzzles up to the difficult level but not in an organized way like I do now. Thank you for your great methods. I find the lessons very good. You are an excellent teacher! Hi Chad. Your videos have been very helpful in teaching me how to play sudoku. Just want to let you know that even though I haven’t finished watching all the videos, I’m at the Sophomore level, I tackled my first Medium puzzle and I was able to solve it! Before your videos, it probably would have frustrated me but I was confident I could do it. Thanks for your videos! I’ve seen and played all of your videos. I really enjoyed it. I am now using my computer plus a paper sheet for the pencil marks. It gets a little messy at times….but I have been able to solve the Sudoku puzzle. Have finished all the videos. They have been a great help especially in spotting pattern, double doubles, triple doubles, etc. Solved all the puzzles with the videos…Thanks for the brilliant videos. Hi Chad, I am really enjoying your lessons. The first time I did a whole game I could not believe it. A great feeling! Hello Chad! I am a slow learner but I am enjoying both lessons and the improvement in my new found pastime. I have enjoyed the videos. Your instruction program is great. I have completed the program through the senior level and have learned quite a lot. And I am getting better. I was lucky to find your program and glad that I did. I would recommend the program to anyone really interested in Sudoku. I take your lessons slowly. Your tips have been great and I am able to do the Globe and Mail “1 – 3 star quite well. I feel an air of accomplishment when I am able to complete them. I started learning at zero. Now I enjoy playing Sudoku puzzles… the evening’s free time is too short! Thanks for the lessons, you are a great professor. I’m finding the various techniques very helpful, although I have to get used to the terminology ( triple double; double double, quadruple; ect.) Haven’t had a lot of time to devote to the videos but the little I have watched and used have already made a big difference. Thanks for offering these instructive videos. “The lessons are very good and I am learning. I try to do one puzzle a day at varying levels of difficulty. Sometimes I watch the lessons over again. Thank you!” Your lessons are awesome! I really like how you build on the patterns. I am currently working on Senior lessons. Currently on vacation and taking a break from the lessons. Have purchased a book of puzzles, “SUDOKU ON THE GO” expert level. Before your lessons I could complete even one of these puzzles. I am now completing them in 45 min to an hour and not cheating at all. I am amazed at how much I have learned towards solving Sudoku. Your lessons really do bring fun to Sudoku! I haven’t gotten through all of the Sudoku Videos yet. However, those that I did see were marvelous. Early on in the program, I learned that some of the videos are vital to the understanding of the next program. Therefore, I repeated the lessons and took notes…You definitely have an engineer’s mind. Most of us don’t, but I appreciate people who try to help others to see a process. I can tell you love to solve these puzzles, because you want others to see the process or logic that is involved. You are using your talents to help people think logically. I especially like the fact that you solve the puzzle using your stated principles on the videos, and that there is a typed objective for each puzzle…Thanks for putting your brilliant ideas into videos for all of us to learn. I’m finding the various techniques very helpful…Thanks for offering these instructive videos. I could not believe my eyes when I read your message that you would send me the lessons I had purchased awhile back, that my husband had deleted. Never did I expect that you would respond. I just thought it would not hurt to ask. Certainly, you have given me a GREAT RESPECT for you. Thank you, thank you. Your teaching method is a big help. I would recommend your product to all Sudoku enthusiasts… Thank you for being there and don’t stop. I have finished just the sophomore videos and it has already greatly improved my solving times and abilities. I have been enjoying the Suduku videos… You do a great job, keep up the good work. I am really enjoying your videos, progressing nicely. I’m not rushing them, still on Sophomore but WOW they have changed my whole way of tackling a puzzle. Not to say I don’t make any mistakes, sometimes i have to erase a couple of blocks and start again but i make sure i finish them without peeking at the answers or just giving up the way i used to. Thank you again for your concern, you are a great teacher!! If I may call you that.
I love the videos. I have learned so much. Mostly I like being able to go at my own pace and watch the same videos as many times as I need to. Thanks for all your hard work!
They have been helpful but I haven’t mastered the techniques yet so am still enjoying learning.
My father always told me to “Plan your Work and Work your Plan”. Well, I have finally found a plan that successfully gives me a chance to solve Sudoku puzzles,,,,and it is Exciting!!”
A Grateful Student of Our Sudoku Professor,
Secrets of Sudoku.
The greatest of pleasure after having lessons sent to me from over the Pond that I can pick up a puzzle
And complete it.
To which I thank you very much.
marks has proved very useful and has helped reduce the tediousness involved in the more difficult ones. Because of the unique pencil marking methods you use (not programmed in online puzzles) I have moved back to pencil and paper and consequently find the game more enjoyable.
starting my Junior classes and I am looking forward to the day that I can purchase the Masters Videos and learn even more. If you truly want to learn how to solve Sudoku then don’t wait another second, purchase the “Video Professor Video’s” and become a Sudoku Master yourself.
The step by step approach is extremely beneficial and I have enjoyed my progress.
Or when your solution fails in the last box.
which in turn makes Sudoku puzzle solving more enjoyable. Well done Chad!
I bought them all and they are the best on the market. I have found a ton of tricks and procedures in these videos.
They are well worth the investment. I now have very little trouble solving the hardest puzzles.
well done Chad!!
I really do like your lessons… Because i am in the caregiver mode, i am taking it easy. Thinking outside the box is very good. Although i have been doing something like that i believe that writing the numbers down is a better idea. Thank you very much for making your lessons affordable.
A super satisfied customer!!