June Davidson

Initially, I felt reluctant to spend money on lessons for something that seemed like a pastime. But I was so impressed with how helpful the free lessons were that I decided to take a chance on the rest. It has been more than worth it! The lessons are GREAT!! They have changed my experience of Sudoku – it has become a bit of an obsession! I am moving through the lessons slowly and doing all the practice exercises, and other puzzles from a book I have as well. You are a wonderful teacher, with the ability to make complicated logic seem simple. I had tried to look up Sudoku techniques on the web before I found yours, and found only confusion and hard to follow stuff. These lessons are really a cut above what else is out there. What is particularly helpful is following you as you reason your way through a puzzle from start to finish. This is far better than a trick here or a technique there – it has given me what I needed from the outset…a process to follow to solve the puzzles. The fact that the lessons are video is part of what is so helpful…I don’t have to go back and forth between a written description and what is happening on the puzzle – it is all right there! I continue to enjoy the lessons, and will continue to move through them slowly, so I can really savor them. Thank you so much for putting these lessons together.

June Davidson