Alan Doubell, Australia

I can tell you that I have watched the videos and worked through all the Freshman exercises and puzzles and have now just finished working through the Sophomore lessons exercises and puzzles.

I still have a long way to go and more videos to watch, but with all the techniques I have been shown and the recognition of different patterns, I am now reasonably confident of solving the Sudoku puzzles in the daily newspapers I read.

In the past, I use to tackle the Sudoku puzzles in the daily papers I read, but was left frustrated that I could not solve them.

Life is now much more fun and look forward to my “daily Sudoku fix” of solving at least one puzzle every day.

I am now looking forward to watching and working through the Junior and Senior videos before progressing to The Professor’s Club exclusive videos, new techniques and Webinar replays.

Many, many thanks for eliminating my “Sudoku” frustrations.

Alan Doubell, Australia